Britney's First Baby Pics Stolen

(Los Angeles, CA) Pop singer Britney Spears' photos of her newborn baby Sean Preston have been stolen, according to her spokesperson. The pictures were briefly posted on the World Wide Web, but taken off after the allegation was made public.
The baby was born last month, the first child for Spears and the third for her husband, former back-up singer Kevin Federline. Federline has two children from his previous relationship with actress Shar Jackson.
"My God, what an ugly baby," replied pop singer and Spears friend Madonna. "It's no wonder she wanted those pics taken down."
Madonna said that she had offered to be a godparent to young Sean, but that she may have to back out.
"Hey - I've got a career and a reputation of my own," she said. "There is no way in hell I am going to let a freak like that wreck my stature. Ugh!"