Spielberg Signs Deal To Develop Video Games

(Los Angeles, CA) Film director Steven Spielberg has signed a deal with gaming firm Electronic Arts to create three new video games.
Spielberg said that he looked forward to the new EA creations.
"I was a little skeptical about Schindler's List going to Playstation, but I was pleasantly surprised with the results," he said. "If players aquire enough lives, they can stage a concentration camp riot and slaughter all the Nazi guards."
Spielberg, director of films such as Jaws and Saving Private Ryan, is an avid gamer. In the past he has lent his talent to gaming companies in the product development stage.
"I figured: Hey! I've got some great stuff here," he said. "I acn't wait to see EA's take on The Color Purple. They're giving Celie a fucking submachine gun."
The deal is seen as a further sign of how Hollywood and the games industry are moving closer together. Spielberg remained optimistic about the future of multi-media.
"Look, any technology that allows me to turn Indiana Jones into a drag queen is just too cool," he said. "That smarmy Harrison Ford can kiss my ass."