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CBS Announces New Series: "CSI - Mojave"

(Los Angeles, CA) Bolstered bhy the success of CSI and spinoffs such as CSI: Miami, CBS unveiled the latest incarnation of its CSI show line.

Entitles "CSI-Mojave," the show features the exploits of county crime scene investigators in and around the Mojave Desert.

"The challenge with this show is that there aren't many people in the desert, and that most of the deaths have something to do with the heat," said Les Moonves, president of the netowrk. "So the CSI teams have to figure out if a death was from dehydration, coyote attack, or peyote intoxication."

Six of last week's 10 most watched shows aired on CBS, starting with a "CSI" rerun that clocked more than 24 million viewers. Season-to-date, CBS has a 2-million-viewer lead over closest competitor ABC.

Mooves believes that the series will be yet another success.

"Part of the charm of the show will be the crusty old medical examiner Russ Fender," he said. "Old Russ has seen it all, but he just doesn't have any use for his wisecracking assistant Megan Johnson, fresh from grad school. They get quite a banter going in the desert heat in the pilot episode , when Julie packs a bottle of Perrier, but Russ has a 4-gallon container of tap water for emergencies. What a hoot!"

I don't have any water for ya, but I do need a...
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