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Signs Of A Democratic Opposition To GOP

(Washington, DC) Last week's heated congressional debates over the war in Iraq demonstrated the rise of antiwar sentiment among Democrats, as well as the challenge the party faces in developing a cohesive message.

The uproar followed a call by Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) to immediately begin removing American troops.

"The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion," read Murtha from a prepared script. "Who does President Bush think he is, Harry Fucking Houdini? He is more like, well, Harry Fucking Potter. Yeah, that's it."

Yet supporters and opponents of the war agree that the cry of opposition from Murtha — a leading military hawk during his three decades in Congress — is likely to mark a milestone in the war debate.

"Clearly it was a bombshell and it does shift the debate quite dramatically," said Ivo H. Daalder, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. "We might actually see the Democrats grow spines."

Congressional Republicans, momentarily confused by signs of political opposition after years of Democratic ennui, fired back with attacks.

"Damn, caught me off guard there for a minute, Murtha," said Speaker Dennis Hastert. "Let's see....I almost forgot how this goes...oh yeah...The Democratic Party is the party of traitors, cowards, and pedophiles. Anyone who votes Democratic votes his or her ass a ticket STRAIGT TO HELL. Thank you, and have a nice day!"

Don't worry - the Dems will go back to being happy lapdogs.
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