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Louisiana Funeral Director Tired Of "Depressing Days"

(New Orleans, LA) Donald Beauchamp thinks he may have stayed in the funeral business a "few bad years too many," and expressed unhappiness with his career decision.

"Used to be you'd get an occasional break in dead body arrivals, but we've been going full tilt since Katrina hit," he said of the monster hurricane. "Between the initial flood victims, the recovered bodies, plus the dysentery and suicides, this place has been nothing but death."

Beauchamp, whose funeral home is a mere three miles from the 17th Street levee, said that the "tidal wave of death stench" is beginning to get to him.

"We are spending over $1000 a month on Clorox bleach just to keep this place from turning into a maggot nursery," he said through a protective mask as we toured the embalming room in his family business. "I swear to God the smell almost makes me want to puke now, and I have been getting a whiff of decayed flesh each day for over 40 years."

Worst of all, said Beauchamp, is his belief that he may be sinking into clinical depression.

"Every day we got more sad people in here than a Baghdad wedding party," he said. "It's getting to me. I can't even cheer folks up any more. They come in bawling and screaming, and I just want to smack 'em in the face. I can't take this shit any more."
brrreeeport krugle

Whoa. I feel depressed too.
Listen - it's not my fault I'm fucking dead. Now just Formaldehyde my ass and get on with it.

Chop chop!
Donald Beauchamp does appear to be ripe for a career change.

Maybe he should consider something in the food service or hospitality industry.
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