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FOX News Settles On New Iraq Slogan: "It's All Good!"

(New York, NY) With the passing of the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, marketing executives unveiled the new slogan that will be used on FOX News during segments on the Iraq War.

"Iraq: It's All Good!" meets several criteria of the network, said Fox spokesman Paul Schur.

"First and foremost it keeps us consistent with our "Fair and Balanced" goal of aping President Bush's views on Iraq," he said. "Secondly, it's the sort of catchy, hip phrase that people will easily remember."

Schur said that focus groups have responded positively to the new campaign.

"We tested the "It's All Good!" slogan with a bunch of institutionalized psych patients who watch TV all day," he said. "Other than two guys in the back who were drooling, we didn't get any negative reactions from the group. There was this one chick, though, who kept trying to catch a fly that wasn't there, but she said she was all for the war."

An added benefit to the slogan, said Schur, will be its ability to resonate with African American viewers, a demographic that FOX News has struggled to reach.

"Yeah, our FOX homies in da hood gonna see that we the fo-shizzle OGs," he said. "By saying "It's All Good" we will be able to connect with the black audience in a way we never have before."

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