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Opinion: Tony Snow Provides a Refreshing Role as White House Ignoramus

National Nitwit White House Correspondent Inez Locarro

(Washington, DC) It is clear that Tony Snow was not hired to be a glib and lying bastard in the tradition of most White House press secretaries.

It is also evident that Snow's job will be much like his previous job at FOX - to defend the President and to attack those who disagree with him.

That, people, makes Tony Snow the perfect choice as press secretary.

The Washington press corps has come to expect that the press secretary will hand us a bag of well-rehearsed lies that will make us groan and dig for the truth. Yesterday, though, we witnessed the beginning of a new epoch in American politics -the ignorant press secretary.

Snow was completely useless in answering the questions of reporters. It was as if Bush officials decided to put a mildly retarded White House janitor out to face the reporters.

And it worked! We actually felt sorry for the clueless Snow, who did everything but drool to convince us that he knew nothing.

The new strategy seems to be that the White House wants to project an image of complete incompetence as opposed to its previous reputation as a bunch of scheming, lying sleazebags who would sell their own mothers for a $100 grand.

It's sort of a "kinder, gentler" administration, except that it's more like an "oafish, imbecilic" group in charge.

I kind of like that. Feeble-minded politicians are a lot less likely to steal from us, sell our jobs overseas, or get us into another war.

Go girl!
Good stuff Inez -- I hope we hear more from you.
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