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Al-Qaeda Cancels Massive Subway Order

Left: Al-Noqbaa speaking to reporters about Subway

(New York) Al-Qaeda operatives, facing a shortage of both funds and 2-for-1 coupons, called off a planned order for a New York Subway outlet.

"We were going to order 50 Italian BMTs, but we were about $20 short," said al-Qaeda spokesman Mahmood al-Noqbaa. "The person on the phone was very rude, by the way. I think we shall take our business to Quizno's next time."

Al-Noqbaa said that the group was trying to work with Subway, but the restaurant "totally jerked us around."

"We even offered to pick the ham slices off the BMTs ourselves so they could use the pre-made sandwich preps," he said. "But the manager was a real jerk. He told me to come back when I have ALL the money, not just part of it."

Al-Noqbaa said that the group is considering retaliatory measures for the poor experience.

"I think we will use fake voices on the phone and order a bunch of really time-consuming sandwiches, like the Chicken Parmesan," he said. "They have to toast each one of those to order to melt the mozzerella. We may also call the Board of Health and say we found mouse tails in our sandwiches. May Allah frown upon the owners of this establishment."

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heh -"Moqbaa"

somebody knows their Arabic.
Extra bacon for everyone!

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