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RuPaul Vies for Black Chick Slot on "The View"

RuPaulLeft: "I've got a view for you."

(New York) Star Jones Reynolds, co-host of "The View," was barred on Wednesday from the show she helped build into a daytime television fixture, leaving the door open for cross-dressing RuPaul to make his bid to join the cast.

"When I'm onstage and in drag, I'm doing my thing, but when I'm walking down the street, I'm not thinking of my list of achievements," he told National Nitwit reporters. "I'm really just me -- the man I wake up with every day. Nothing will change when I join 'The View.'"

RuPaul said that he would bring an "enlightened political discourse" to the show, in addition to a "much-needed" updating of the lineup.

"Even the gay world is actually really conservative right now, especially regarding men who use femininity as a palette," he said. "Gay culture is wrapped up in acting "straight" and "passing for white." It's not a great time for men who play with femininity, and joining 'The View' would help change some hearts."

The View cast x-ed out Left: RuPaul used red lipstick to mark up this undated photo

The flamboyant entertainer said that he hoped to "bitch-slap the straight-laced vixens" remaining on the show's cast: Barbara Walters, Joy Behar and Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

"The truth is, you can be black; you can be a father or a lover; you can be gay and be everything -- yin-yang/boy-girl/Donny and Marie -- you name it," he said. "And when we acknowledge that, we can acknowledge the God in each person and in ourselves. And Barbara - I am really going to sex you up some day. I'll bet that skeezer hasn't had an orgasm since 1971."

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