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E-Zine Obtains Last Photo of Princess Di

Left: "Like a candle in the wind..."

(New York) E-zine National Nitwit has sparked outrage by publishing the "final image" of Diana, Princess of Wales, taken moments after the car crash that killed her.

Editor Subcomandante Bob defended the Nitwit's publication of the photo.

"Listen - people want to know, brother," he said over the deafening roar of his muffler-less 1976 Eldorado. "Plus, I shelled out $200 bucks from a guy who got it from this dude who SWEARS it's legit."

The Subcomandante, whose last name is an unpronounceable sound, said that the decision to run the gruesome photo was "an easy call."

"I'm pretty much a soulless whore," he admitted, grinding out a Marlboro under his shoe. "The site traffic we'll get from this sleazy piece of decadence will likely bring me enough ad revenue for a case of cheap vodka."

The photo, which bears little resemblance to the vivacious Ladi Di, brought condemnation from Britain's princes William and Harry.

"That picture is like, completely gross," they said in a joint written statement. "We appeal to all forms of media throughout the world to appreciate fully that publishing such material causes great hurt to us, our father, our mother's family and all those idiotic, monarchistic sycophants who so loved and respected Princess Di."

I can't believe I fell for that. Still funny, though.
There is something wrong with her left breast.
I dont know whether to laugh or vomit.
I thought brains were grey, nice head shot though
Too much fat to be Di.

Camilla maybe, but not Di.
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