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Fascist Wikipedia Geeks Blacklist National Nitwit

Wikipedia imageA National Nitwit Editorial

By Billy Pilgrim, National Nitwit Rogue Editor

(Cyberspace)—A pithy, informative entry on the National Nitwit at the Wikipedia—the self-proclaimed democratic online encyclopedia—has been targeted for deletion since a handful of anonymous users feel the Nitwit is not “sufficiently notable.”

This is despite the fact that the Nitwit receives hundreds of visitors a day, enjoys links on a countless number of blogs, and has previously featured on Fark.com and MSNBC.com, among others.

Ironically, two of the users who have targeted the Nitwit—“Xlu” and “NeoChaosX”—seem to lack any familiarity with our site, and exhort entries with questionable public worth, such as one for ‘Naruto,’ a little-known anime series, and another for ‘Emperor Xiaozhuang of Northern Wei,’ a minor sixth century Chinese emperor.

Our editorial staff would like to reassert the integrity of our daily reportage, and argue for our continued inclusion in the Wikipedia. The National Nitwit is a humble but vibrant part of the wider journalistic community on the internet, and as such, deserves appropriate consideration.

Interested parties can chart the discussion at the following link: Click here

Readers who have a vested commitment to the National Nitwit may also view the article in question at: Click here

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