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NYC Cab Diverted After Driver "Looked Like a Terrorist"

Left: Suspicious-looking chauffeur

(New York, NY) A Yellow Cab ride from Soho to Greenwich Village was detained for "security reasons," city officials said, after a cabbie acted "in a manner consistent with terrorist types."

Police held driver Mahmoud al-Jarrar for three hours before determining he was "just your basic New York cabbie."

Passenger Angela Whitting said that al-Jarrar was "speaking in one of those foreigner languages" when she got suspicious.

"It was all 'ach-gach-ka-bach' and stuff for the first ten minutes," she said, recounting the tense ride. "I looked at [fellow passenger and friend] Marissa and mouthed: 'Oh-my-God.' We thought we were done for."

Left: Whitting after the ordeal

The "moment of truth" came when Whitting and her companion saw al-Jarrar answer a cell phone.

"We were all like: 'This is it.' It was like something out of Flight 93," she said, shuddering. "I just knew that any second we were going to hear: 'In the name of Allah. I bear witness that there is no other God but Allah' or some crazy shit like that."

Whitting's silent 911 call got a quick response from police. After finding no reason to detain al-Jarrar any longer, detectives allowed him back to his vehicle to finish the last two hours of his shift.

Contacted by National Nitwit, the veteran cabbie declined an interview, citing his need to "make a few fucking dollars."

Whitting thanked police for their "vigilance and, like, fast response."

"I wanted to cry afterwards when I thought about how close we came to dying," she said. "I just thank God the NYPD did its job to protect the city today."

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