NYPD to Add "Bwoop-Bwoop" Sound to Police Cars

"We have long used the traditional 'weeeeee-ooooo' and the newer "BRAAAK-BRAAAAK' vehicle sirens," said White. "But the 'bwoop-bwoop'gives NYPD officers an additional tool to increase noise levels in the city."
White said that the "bwoop-bwoop" siren won out over several competitors.
"A few of the police commissioners were partial to a "rrrrrr-wahhhhh-oooh' siren," he said. "And a few other liked this 'gerp-gerp' sound they heard in Chicago. But in New York, it will be 'bwoop-bwoop' as the third option."
White added that the new siren choice will be used "sparingly, but when necessary."
"If we overdo it with the 'bwoop-bwoop,' the siren will lose its impact," he admitted. "We are therefore advising officers to save the 'bwoop' for important occasions, such as running a red light to pick up tacos, or when a really hot chick is walking down Broadway."