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Harris Admits Tits "Big Campaign Assets"

Katherine Harris with perky breasts on a horseLeft: Ride 'em, cowgirl

(Tampa, FL) Rep. Katherine Harris overcame opposition from within her own party to win the Republican primary for a U.S. Senate seat, moving on to a tougher race against Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson in the general election.

Harris, in an exclusive interview with National Nitwit, acknowledged that her campaign was "positively helped" by her 34-D chest.

"Most definitely - tits like these can turn heads and turn out the vote," she said, arching her back for emphasis. "That, plus the fact that I have gone down on something like 1,000 big money donors."

With 96 percent of precincts reporting, Harris picked up over 50 percent of the vote, leaving challengers far behind. Harris said that some last minute campaigning made the difference.

"Between Friday night and Tuesday morning my hotel room had a line 10 deep," she said, yawning. "I bagged half the county chairmen and most of the state legislators. This back room politics is tiring."

Katherine Harris on beach in DaytonaLeft: Harris working the beach last week in Daytona for votes

Harris said that defeating Democratic senator Bill Nelson will require "extra efort."

"If I have to sleep with every independent voter in the state of Florida, I'll do it," she said, cracking her gum. "The voters in this state would rather have a senator that likes anonymous truck stop sex than a liberal weenie who bends over and takes it from terrorists."

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