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Jackie Chan to Star in Biography of Dalai Lama

Jackie Chan as Dalai LamaLeft: Dalai Lama action promo

(Hollywood) Action superstar Jackie Chan announced this week that he will direct and star in a film production of the life of the Dalai Lama, the influential spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism.

Entitled "Free This!" Chan says the film will recount the life story of the exiled Tibetan head of state in a "less traditional" fashion.

"We are showing Dalai Lama as one bad-ass man," said Chan to National Nitwit reporters. "He stand up to [Chinese president] Hu Jintao and beat him silly with short staff for holding on to Tibet."

Jackie Chan as Dalai LamaLeft: Jackie Chan as the young Dalai Lama

Chan said that one of his goals was to capture the Tibetan leader's sense of humor.

"There is one funny scene where Dalai Lama say: 'I am not third world ugly, women think I'm cute. Like Snoopy,'" he chuckled. "Plus, we pair him up with wisecracking black man to help him free Tibet. Black man get mad and say: 'Don't be messing with me, Dalai. I will kick your ass. I'll hit you so hard you'll end up in the Ming Dynasty. I mean it, I'll bitch slap you back to Bangkok!'"

Chan, catching his breath after laughing, said that he believes devotees of the Dalai Lama will accept the narrative changes.

"Listen - Dalai be fronting a lot. He really one crazy dog," he said. "All that peace and prayer is for show - the Lama know how to party. He put the 'bud' in Buddhist."

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