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MTV Accidentally Airs Music Video

MTV logo By Billy Pilgrim, National Nitwit Rogue Editor

(New York)—MTV, the perennially youthful cable channel that has been a beacon for youth culture over the past two decades, made an egregious error this morning when it aired a music video instead of a reality sitcom.

The faux pas took the form of an airing of Pearl Jam’s artsy 1991 video for “Jeremy,” which depicts an adolescent youth who, after much torment from his peers, violently shoots himself in front of his teacher and classmates.

“Let me assure you—this was not an innocent mistake,” remarked Jeff Pinsky, a balding junior executive in MTV’s programming department. “Pearl Jam hasn’t been relevant in like, four centuries, and millions of viewers lost out on 5:18 minutes of quality reality television. Heads will roll.”

MTV logo for Made According to Pinsky, the program that was supposed to air was a new episode of “Made,” a show in which socially awkward and cosmetically repulsive teens take a month to reinvent themselves with the help of a life coach.

A recent installment featured, for example, an Iowa teen with cerebral palsy being “made” into an orthodontic assistant, while another documented a grotesquely obese teen from Seattle being “made” into a scuba diver.

“Today’s episode was a gem, too—this blind kid from Phoenix tries out for the Olympic fencing team,” huffed Pinsky while sipping a chi latte. “I only hope that, over time, we can regain the trust of the 12-17 demographic.”

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