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Woman Admits 'Second Life' Online Game is Her Only Life

Woman who lives for Second LifeLeft: Shull lives for Second Life

(Skokie, IL) Homebody and confessed loner Becky Shull acknowledged to reporters what many have long suspected: the 36-year-old has no life outside of her participation in the virtual world of Second Life.

"It's true - I pretty much spend most of my waking hours in Second Life," she said, pausing from her efforts to attract virtual tenants to her recently constructed housing project. "But at least here the people you meet are so real."

Second Life is part of an emerging wave of online games in which thousands of people can go online simultaneously, creating an etherworld while interacting with other lonely souls. Shull said that, unlike her "flesh" life, Second Life offers things she might never have experienced.

"My relationships are stable, and when I am ready to move on, the decision is mine," she said, directing one of her characters into a swingers' club. "And if things don't work out, nobody gets hurt. You just create a new life."

Shull as 'Candy' flirts with another woman as her dejected ex-boyfriend 'Rod' sulks in Second LifeLeft: Shull as "Candy" flirts with another woman as her dejected ex-boyfriend "Rod" sulks

Shull also views Second Life as an "incredible psychology tool" that has helped her deal with trauma in the world of carbon life forms.

"Let's just say that everyone who has ever shit on me now knows the meaning of the word 'karma,'" she chuckled, encouraging a character to steal money from an unsuspecting roommate. "I now feel much better about myself, and I feel as though I can accomplish any goal in the Metaverse."

That is so pathetic, what about her family?
Given she admits to being a homebody and loner, she may not have one.
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