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Russian Worker's Comp Refuses to Pay Out on Murdered Journalist

Anna Politkovskaya Left: Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya

(Moscow) The worker's compensation claim filed by the children of the late investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya has been denied by Russian officials, the National Nitwit has learned.

Politkovskaya, 48, was shot dead on Saturday at her apartment block in central Moscow in a killing prosecutors linked to her work.

"The requirement that these workers’ compensation claims be presented in the first instance for an administrative determination is a necessary and inherent part of the overall adjudicative framework of the Workers’ Compensation Statute,” wrote an official for the state claims agency. "Besides, we heard it was really a jealous lesbian lover who offed her. You know how deviant those journalists are."

Left: Certificate denying the comp claim

Politkovskaya's work had been highly critical of the government of Vladimir Putin, and many have raised the question of government involvement in her killing. Still, the state denied the comp claim, and the ruling spelled out the state's argument:

Each injury or condition that is alleged to give said claimant the right to participate in the workers’ compensation fund must be considered as a separate claim for purposes of RC 37925.44 and 39443.17, and each such claim must be adjudicated through the administrative process in order to be subject to judicial and administrative review, nothwithstanding the contrary. And we also heard that Politkovskaya was on the payroll of British Petroleum, and that she liked to have sex with underage girls.
Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the killing today in a press conference.

"Délo drjan' -I want to emphasize that whoever did this for whatever motives, we must find the culprits," Putin told reporters today. "This crime must not go unrewarded. I owe some bábnik a big favor."

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