Texas Homeowners Can't Agree on US-Mexico Border Fence Type

(Brownsville, TX) For members of Congress, passage of a bill to wall off 700 miles of the US-Mexico border offers evidence of their collective determination to crack down on illegal immigration. For homeowners along the border, a new battle looms over the exact type of fence to be used.
"I always dreamed of a white house with a white picket fence lined with a bunch of petunias," said Tina Sadler of Brownsville. "Just because a mess of illegals are coming across my yard shouldn't mean I have to look at some ugly-looking cinderblock wall every day."
Neighbor Garrett Tucker prefers something a bit more intimidating to prospective illegals.
"I want a 12-foot cyclone fence with razor wire and barbs across the top," he said, waving his arm toward the area in which his ideal fence would be erected. "Any beaners cutting through my property are gonna leave a quart of blood behind."

Sadler took issue with Tucker's ideas.
"Listen - I want to see them Mexicans writhing in pain like every other red-blooded American," she said. "I'd just rather plink 'em one-by-one with my .22, that's all. Does my house have to look like a Hogan's Heroes set? I think not, mister. I worked hard to plant these daisies, and I'll be damned if a crew of runaway enchilada-munchers are going to ruin my yard."