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Allen Iverson Arrives in Denver by Dogsled

Iverson urging his dogs onward to Denver

(Denver, CO) Allen Iverson has been cleared to play his first game with the Denver Nuggets, passing his physical after arriving at the Pepsi Center by a team of huskies pulling a sled about an hour before Friday night's game between Denver and Sacramento.

"Damn - it's cold as hell out here, but I hope to warm up by the third period," a shivering Iverson told reporters. "Who do I got to pay off to get the heat turned up round here?"

Iverson was traded Tuesday by the Philadelphia 76ers to the Nuggets for Andre Miller, Joe Smith and two 2007 first-round picks. The Nuggets also got Ivan McFarlin, who accompanied Iverson on a 200-mile Iditerod-style trek across the wintry Colorado landscape.

Iverson said that the bitter cold inhibited not only his travel westward.

"Y'all ever try to light a Blunt in 55-mph blizzard winds?" he asked reporters. "Cannot be done, my friends. I had to eat the damn dope to cop a little Mcbuzz action."

snow basketball A few of Iverson's possessions got lost along the way

Iverson said that he hopes the blizzard does not portend an icy relationship with Denver Nuggets fans.

"I did not drag my freezing ass all the way through that motherfucking blizzard to play for a bunch of rich white people sitting on their hands," he told reporters in the Nuggets' locker room. "So they better get off their asses and make some noise, or I'll turn that goddamn sled right the fuck back around for someplace warm, like Charlotte or Miami."

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I didn't know it was that bad in Denver - how will the fans get there?
They Are rich ...
They Are white ....

You might as well turn the sled around now mofo
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