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Dems, George Lucas Develop Tim Johnson Hologram, Just in Case

(Hollywood) While South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson is continuing to show signs of improvement after brain surgery, his party is taking nothing for granted.

Fearful that Republicans would gain a 50-50 Senate split should Johnson succumb to his life-threatening brain hemorrhage, party leaders worked with Star Wars film series producer George Lucas to develop a holographic likeness of Johnson to fill in until 2008.

"We had the technology, plus some photos and home movies of Tim, so it only took about 12 hours to pull off," said Lucas, testing the latest version of Holo-Tim. "We'll have a beta version ready to appear in Congress within a week, should we need to do so."

The timing of Johnson's return is uncertain, but Democrats would still be in control of the Senate if his recovery period extends into the new session because of the holographic Senator.

"Having Holo-Tim on board is just as good as the real Tim," said Democrat Harry Reid. "Plus, we can program Holo-Tim to vote any way we want him to."

AVMNo health problems with the Holo-Tim

Lucas said that the original testing on the holographic stand-in has been relatively glitch free.

"We did have a problem where he started saying 'Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope,' but that was a quick fix," he chuckled. "As long as Holo-Tim doesn't bust out with a 'Run, Jedi run! You have only prolonged the inevitable,' during a session of Congress, we should be okay."


Can they do an Al Gore:

Never mind, I forgot they started with Al :-)

John Kerry?

He's been running for years too, without a serious crash...
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