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Obituary: Trevor Whittaker, Little-Known "Eighth Rolling Stone"

Trevor Whittaker, 8th Rolling Stone Whittaker (far left)in 1964 with the Rolling Stones on the set of Top Beat

(London) British musician and sometime member of the Rolling Stones Trevor Whittaker died today of pneumonia. The unofficial "Eighth Stone" was 64 years of age.

Whittaker was active in the London rhythm and blues music scene that spwaned the Stones and many other sixties rock acts. A multi-instrumentalist, Whittaker occasionally filled in for members on tour, and performed on a number of Stones recordings.

"He always chose the songs he wanted to play on," Keith Richards remembered. "He chose. And if he didn’t like a song, he would just up and walk away from it, saying 'I’m not playing this, it’s got Japanese chords and shit in it.' Trev was a regular stickler about these things."

Trevor WhittakerWhittaker in an undated picture

Piano player Ian Stewart is often credited as being the "sixth Stone," while multi-instrumentalist Nicky Hopkins garnered the label "seventh Stone." Whittaker - less known than his unofficial compatriots - often "carried the water" for the Stones, said Richards.

"That guy," recalled Richards, “had the biggest damned heart that I’ve ever known. A guy that hangs around a band, does everything they ask, and then gets kicked out of it, and then says, 'I'll drive the bus' or 'I'll get the fucking coffee.' I don’t think it was ever obvious but he was the best of us all. He made the fucking band what it was and still is."

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Very sad.
Yeah - to live a life and not get much credit, while Richards and Jagger make all the moolah.
funniest goddamn shit I've read in weeks
What's so funny about A PERSON DYING????

Nothing, you sick freak.
For Trevor:

It is the evening of the day

I sit and watch the children play

Smiling faces I can see

But not for me

I sit and watch

As tears go by

R.I.P., Trevor.
barry barry barry!!
You are all a bunch of dumb asses a teacher at my college made this shit up to try and validate that info on the internet isn't always real you fools just proved him right ....idiots are not extinct
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