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New Harry Potter Cover Depicts BDSM, Gay Porn

(New York) The publisher of the seventh and last Harry Potter book has unveiled the cover of the new book, which features the boy wizard flinching at the site of a dominatrix with an aquaamrine-colored dildo.

Harry Potter Takes it up the Arse - HARD, the much-anticipated final installment of the Potter series by British writer JK Rowling, is due to go on sale at midnight on July 21.

The cover art of the newest book was created by illustrator Marie GrandPierre, who painted the covers for the other six books in the series.

"The front cover of Harry Potter Takes it up the Arse - HARD features Harry and chums getting jiggy with each other. It depicts 17-year-old Harry giving a companion a reacharound," publisher Scholastic said in a statement. "The structures around Harry show evident debauchery and in the shadows behind him, we see outlines of other people doing naughty things."

Author Rowling said that she quickly got over her reservations about Potter's newly-awakened, alternative sexuality.

"I figured, what the hell - he's 17, he's got the hormones and whatnot - let's let him have a turn at some rough man sex with another yob," she said, crushing out a cigarette. "And the bit with the dominatrix and the strapon - that's just too rich. Serves the smarmy bugger right, if you ask me."

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You people are sick.
Harry always needed a little awakening to life's enjoyments.
It has both the British and US edition covers, in high resolution
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