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Canine Crusade for Christ Gets Tails Wagging for Jesus

Rafferty at an informal prayer service for dogs and their owners

(Lansing, MI) Jordan Rafferty, a Michigan State University religious studies major, believes that God's Word should not be limited solely to humans.

To that end, Rafferty created the nation's first Canine Crusade for Christ, a ministry outreach program that brings the Gospel to Lansing-area dogs.

"We plan to build a movement that shows dogs how they can know and experience God's plan for their lives," he said, scratchi8ng behind the ears of one of his pooch parishioners. "God commanded us to cast torn flesh to the dogs in I Samuel, and I think He meant we should also minister unto them. Besides, they sit still better than most people."

Rafferty said that in his revival meetings he has taken to using Milkbones at Communion.

"Most of the dogs were not too keen on the whole wafer and wine deal," he admitted. "And liquored-up Labs are goofier and more slobbery than they are before they start drinking."

Rafferty leads a canine convert in evening prayers, testifying to the healing powers of Jesus

One area of possible improvement, added Rafferty, is in the realm of church hymns.

"Most of these dogs haven't got a clue about harmony and rhythm," he acknowledged, leading a group of German shepherds in a rendition of "Christ's Feast with His Church." "But they certainly make up for it with their enthusiasm, and it's pretty funny to hear them howl when the organist starts warming up."

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As a fellow Canine, I must admit that when I was in the park on Easter Sunday admiring all creatures great and small, the blossom and the flowers I did think about Jesus.
Jordan Rafferty's ball of twine isn't too tightly wrapped.
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