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Laura Bush Vexed at George's World of Warcraft Addiction

(Washington, DC) The problem began, said First Lady Laura Bush, when one of the President's children bought him a PlayStation 3 for Christmas.

"I thought it would be nice for George to have some fun and relax a bit," she said, wiping away a tear. "And for a few weeks the PlayStation only got used a little on the weekends. But that was before World of Warcraft, and his difficulty handling Hordes."

President Bush received a copy of the video game World of Warcraft in March, and his wife Laura said that things went "totally downhill fast."

"He started playing that darned game sixteen, sometimes eighteen hours a day," she recalled. "He didn't eat, didn't sleep, and - well - he doesn't seem to remember where our bedroom is, either."

Mrs. Bush said that she has tried "all sorts of interventions" to help her husband with his WoW addiction.

"If I threatened to remove the game, he says he's going to hurt himself, because this is the only thing "keeping him sane" right about now," she said, dabbing her eye with a handkerchief. "He had two panic attacks yesterday and he doesn't know what brought them on, but he could not take his hands away from the keyboard. He was convinced that the only thing that would help him was to keep playing, just sitting there saying: 'surge... surge... surge.'"

Left: Deadly addiction

Mrs. Bush added that the President's condition seems to be deteriorating due to his WoW addiction.

"George doesn't go anywhere, never answers his phone, doesn't sleep much, doesn't even shower. All he eats is junk food and Mountain Dew," she said. "Sometimes now he will stay up for five to six days at a time and then sleep for about one, and then go right back at it again. There is trash all over his game room, on the floor. He stays in the far corner of the room, on a filthy old couch, and keeps trying to get the game to bring Saddam Hussein back to life as dictator, but no matter how much virtual gold he spends, it never happens. It's really sad to see him like this."

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OMG, george, I read many news about him recently....
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