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Baby, I Got Your Economic Stimulus Package Right Here

Guest Editorial
by Tre Margolis, Growth Specialist

Baby, time is just a raindrop plopping in the ocean. Let your love free now before it slips away, or before my tsunami of lust washes over us!

Listen, I know you are all worried about the economy and all that, thinking your job might disappear and stuff. Every time you turn on the TV, it's more bad news about unemployment and the credit crunch and the stock markets.

But baby, I got your economic stimulus package right here.

I will make you the most satisfied woman on Earth. I will sex you up like no one has ever sexed you up before. You’ve felt my love jackhammer, you know I am Chairman of the Bed, and that I don't mess around with discount rates, and that when it comes to priming the pump, I'm the master.

Yes, baby, mine is ultimate tool in fiscal policy, and your boy Ben Bernanke ain't got nothing on Tre. Come back to me, baby, and let's spur some growth.


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