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Softwood The Topic Of US-Canada Talks

Left: Canadian PM Paul Martin, estimating the length of a normal erection

(Ottawa) Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin kept up his attacks on US trade policies on Monday even as he prepared to meet Condoleezza Rice later in the day on her first official visit to Canada as U.S. Secretary of State.

The visit is expected to focus on softwood.

When Martin took over as prime minister in December 2003, he pledged to put improve relations with the United States, but he has taken off the diplomatic gloves in the latest battle on softwood.

"Look, this never happened until I got around Condoleeza Rice," said Martin. "But something about her makes everything down there go all limp."

The Canadian PM said that he has tried "just about everything" on the market.

"I think that woman has some sort of anti-erectile force field that causes men to shrivel like a dive in Lake Superior," he said. "I can maintain a healthy sex life with anyone but Condi."

Rice has been America's top diplomat since February and has traversed the globe several times over, but this is her first visit to Canada since taking her post.

"I don't know what's up with Paul, but it's not me," she said. "Do men have to blame women for everything?"

he he he he...softwood
Not gonna go here either...

(Although I really want to)
He really should have tried the little blue pill.


ewww HT with condi?

How many of thods pills do you have to poke "in there" ???
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