Queen Celebrates Birthday with Perfectly-Formed Turd

(London) Queen Elizabeth II turned 80 on Friday, taking the opportunity to display the only piece of excrement that the monarch produced in the last 9 months.
"It is a rare moment indeed when my body even creates waste, and when I do, they are exquisite in design and composition," said the Queen in a prepared statement of the tightly-coiled shite. "I take this moment to share with the British people the latest magnificent monarchial mudpie, which was delivered most propitiously on this momentous birthday."
Amid a chorus of "oohs" and "aahs" from delighted onlookers at the Windsor Walkabout, the Queen wrapped the regal spool in a velvet cloth, placing it in a box.
"We shall save this imperial dung for posterity," she announced. "This noble stool sample will be preserved for future generations of Britons to honor and enjoy."
A spokesman for the Queen joined in the chorus of manurial admirers.
"Oh, it is a blessed moment, and I shall forever be grateful for having witnessed the unveiling of this perfect royal spoor," said Buckingham Palace spokesman Geoffrey Crawford. "God be praised." Andrew+Card