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Supermom Michael Devlin on Raising Children, Baking Cookies

Michael Devlin, Michael J. Devlin(St. Louis) Kidnapping suspect Michael Devlin, accused of snatching children Shawn Hornbeck and Ben Ownby in St Louis, Missouri, described himself as "just another middle class mom" in an interview with National Nitwit.

"Since having the kids I think I am way less selfish now, and have had a crash course on what really matters," he said, crossing his legs. "Things I used to think were important - like making money, or hiding from the cops - seem so trivial to me now. One of the most important things I've learned about being a mom is that what works for me may not work at all for you."

Devlin said that his stint raising the children of other people has "really helped" him discover his inner creative self.

"I paint, I sing, knit and crochet, sew doilies, doodle, cook, chalk, and make up all sorts of goofy things to do with the kids. Oh yeah, plus all that buggery - gotta love that," he said, scratching his elbow. "I have no reservations whatsoever towards dancing and singing to whatever's on the radio, and I especially like slipping on some fishnets and just going totally nuts, you know?"

Michael Devlin, Michael J. DevlinJust a misunderstood mommy

Devlin said that modern mothers face difficult challenges meeting the unrealistic expectations of American society.

"I've always tried to be the perfect mother, though I must admit that sometimes I spoiled my boys," he said, wiping away a tear. "I spent the major part of my off-duty time with them. We always found time to do fun things together: we walked, did the shopping, and even took baths together. I just hope that some day Shawn and Ben will realize how much I sacrificed for them."

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That's a sweet story, showing the tender mercies of this SICK FUCK!!!!!!!
This is why the Internet sucks - sick bastards like you print such trash. You should be ashamed of yourselves!!!
Un-freaking unbelievable, you sick, sick shit.
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