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Elton John Races to Remix "Candle" for Anna Nicole Smith

(London) Pop singer Sir Elton John, who has released version of the song "Candle in the Wind" for Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana, is in his East London studio developing a new version of the song for pop icon Anna Nicole Smith who died yesterday of unknown causes.

John said that he was moved by the life of the late Anna Nicole.

"In so many ways she paralleled the life of Marilyn, and I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't offer her a eulogical song," he said, wiping away tears. "Plus, I sold like 33 million copies of 'Candle 1997' for Lady Di, so I'd be a fucking wanker to pass this opportunity up."

John played a demo tape for reporters at a press conference this morning. The song kept most of the musical attributes of its predecessor, but used some new lyrics to highlight the life of Anna Nicole Smith:

They crawled out of the woodwork
And they whispered into your brain
They set you on the treadmill
Because of the weight you'd gained.

Anna Nicole Smith, the subject of a Sir Elton John musical tribute"Yes, that was a bit crass, but I wanted to capture all of Anna Nicole," he admitted. "I'm really struggling to find something that rhymes with 'TrimSpa,' though. Any ideas?"

John said that he hopes for a CD single release within the "next 48 hours or so."

"Listen, man - you have to strike while the curling iron is hot," he chuckled. "I mean, it's a shame and all about Anna Nicole, but this thing's only going to sell until the next celebrity dies. I got bills, you know?"

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Dass nasty!
(from inside coffin)

I'm not dead yet - open this thing up!
Both you bastards are sick. SICK! Let her rest in peace, and shame on Elton John for making money off this poor woman.
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Oh God that cracked that me up.
I'm happy that I found your blog too.
Tossed it in my blogroll
Keep up the good work.

Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna, Anna Nicole ... she's six feet under!
Let her rest in peace you sick fucks!

You simply MUST get yourself a life. . .
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