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Advice: Ask an Intern with Sensitive Data on His Laptop

Advice and thoughts from state government intern Jacob Henderson.

Dear Intern with Sensitive Data on His Laptop:
My husband spends a lot of time away from home, and I am beginning to wonder if there is something "going on." He also makes a lot of late night calls on his cell phone, and had his phone bill sent to his office. Am I missing something? Carol in Syracuse, NY

Dear Sharon:
Let's see, I think I'll have the double caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream... no... maybe I'll have one of those frozen coffee drinks instead... Dang! I left my money on the dresser. I guess it's just a cup of regular coffee, since I only have change on me. Wait a minute - did I bring my laptop with me, or leave it on the front seat of my car? Shoot!

Dear Intern with Sensitive Data on His Laptop:
My 18-year-old son told us that he is gay, and that he wants to move in with his boyfriend. My husband thinks that this is all just a phase, and that he will grow out of it. I'm not so sure, since I caught him wearing his sister's makeup when he was two. Help! Carly and Ken in Westland, MI

Dear Carly and Ken:
Darn it! No hot water in this bathroom, and the soap dispenser is out. Guess I'll have to wipe my hands on toilet paper, that is if there is any in these stalls. Nope! Guess I'll have to get some napkins from the Starbuck's in the concourse. Now, let me think - did I bring my laptop with me into the bathroom, or did I leave it with Kyle over by the Southwest Airlines gate? Sheesh - I'm such a forgetful doofus today!

Dear Intern with Sensitive Data on His Laptop:
My husband does this really gross thing when he gets up in the morning. He turns over in bed, horks up this disgusting mass of phlegm, and spits it into a cup. Then it stays there until I clean it up! I am going crazy here! Beth in Redlands, CA

Dear Beth:
Phew! Finally we are on the plane. It took forever to get through screening, and all we are doing is flying domestic! I can't imagine what it would be like to fly on a foreign flight these days, what with all the extra security. Think I'll play a little Solitaire on my laptop while I am on the flight. Oops! I thought I brought it with me, but I grabbed my briefcase instead. Now did I put my laptop in the overhead, or did I send it with my luggage? Well, I guess I'll have to read one of these boring in-flight magazines until we get back to Columbus. Boy, I think I would actually lose my entire head if it weren't attached by bones and muscles and skin and stuff.

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