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Alan Greenspan: "Iraq Was All About Da Bitches"

(Washington, DC) Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, for years an inscrutable seer on the economy, is causing a stir by alleging in his new memoir that "the Iraq war is largely about Iraqi hoes."

"Straight up - Bush and Cheney be all about da bitches, fo-shizzle," Greensapn noted. " Cuz when da bitch cuts off yo dick, da face jus be gettin all rusty and shit. And dat shit don't matta whens y'all gots anutha place ta go fo' a good blow. Like Iraq."

Greenspan, who as chairman of the Fed was famous for his tight-lipped reserve, was quite blunt toward the Bush administration in his book The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World.

"A-i-i-e-e-t. I ain't no fuckin' Bush pimp. I knows he wanta be a boomin bitch, but still nobody be diggin' yo nasty funk," he said. "Maybe he jus a crusty ho. Maybe he got da bootie drought 'cause no sista be wantin ta grind his flat-ass, gristley-legged, nasty piece o' Robyn Hoke - got no poke, skank President ass. Only a stupid bitch like Bush be askin' what da hold up is. Jus look in da mirra, y'all."

Greenspan issued a challenge to administration officials who "think they all bad and shit."

"Dont fuck wit dis nigga, I bust yo ass up," he intoned. "Pimp G say we all got the Lexus with tha grill, we commin to kill so when G come to town we got tha trill. Out."

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