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Joakim Noah Excited to be First Woman in a Men's NCAA Final

Joakim is woman, hear her roar

(Atlanta) History will be made this evening, as Joakim Noah of the Florida Gators becomes the first female to play in an NCAA men's Final. She spoke with National Nitwit reporters before warmups this evening.

"We used to think that basketball is what men did in a kind of warrior tradition and it was played in arenas and cost a lot of money," she said, doing some leg stretches. "Then we understood that women could be basketball players, too, and we try to enter those arenas and to play the game and be recognized for it."

Noah said that she hopes her performance tonight will be an inspiration to women worldwide, and looked back on how far women have advanced in the past few decades.

"It was not so very long ago we were told that there is no such thing as a vaginal orgasm," she said, signing autographs for nearby children. "It's no wonder women are pissed, because we’ve been told we’re immature if we don’t have a kind of orgasm that just doesn’t exist. Hello? It's my vagina, and I know what an orgasm is."

An emotional moment for Joakim and her teammates

Noah added that she hopes her example will help change "old-fashioned and outdated thinking."

"All the qualities that have wrongly been called feminine are really only qualities necessary to raise children, like patience, nurturing, attention to detail, empathy, that sort of stuff," she said. "But men develop them, too — men have them just as much as women do. And you are going to see some grown men cry tonight, too, over on the Ohio State bench, when we kick their fucking asses."

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